8 thoughts on “Like A Young Greek God”

  1. This should have been captioned Alexander the Great, but same basic idea I guess.

  2. This is one of my all time favorite posts on here, but I only just realized this is Riccardo from TBW and that that is written on here, and has the link to TBW at the bottom. So I guess the Greek god is actually a blond Russian god? I love these ancient Greek themed posts along with Narcissus. I think it was Carl Sagan in his Cosmos series on PBS who said that “we are all the intellectual descendants of the ancient Greeks.”

  3. You know what? This also goes with Mythological Twinks (different post you can google or rather type into this blog’s internal search engine) and boys wearing scarves. Just type scarves into the search engine also. See what you get. There are so many fantastic galleries on this website.

  4. Like A Young Greek God May 9, 2011 ,.09MY11BOYPOST[TD23MR18] …
    —- The GREEKS get got by similars as their northern familiars. Climate changings make what we hear or read as Vikings hungry. The REDS. or, RUSS, get what is wee get as RUSSIA. Others get what wee read or hear as GREECE. Slavery is a result. GREET GODS result. Meaning, GREEK gods are a result, as a welling a much more.
    — Meaning, invadings is not new.
    — OH ! FORGET ! These pics are NICE. Tx


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